Our Man 'Paulo' In San Francisco reports:
"Yesterday evening I was strolling up the main street of Chinatown on my way to the Vesuvio and found myself walking right behind Gwen Stefani with husband (him from Bush), child in pushchair and, I guess, nanny. So close I could've touched her (which I know would've been "wrong"). Annoyingly it was the only time I left my camera at the hotel, otherwise it could've been the start of a great new paparazzi career."
Yes, Paulo. But Gwen's hubby Gavin Rossdale would probably have greeted you with a rude finger-gesture as in the 2006 pap pic above. Top class celeb spot, though - more, please...
Stalkers note, this happened over a week ago so Gwen and Gav are probably no longer 'in the vicin'.
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